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writing : Advances in technology
Advances in technology

Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history.

To begin with, technological advances have helped people use tools and materials that made life easier for them. To give one example, the use of the phone and the internet has made it extremely possible to communicate with any person on any other part of the world. Spatially speaking, people managed to set their foot on the moon and discover things that were in the past only myths for many of us. 

For all these reasons, I believe that one has to look at the other side of the coin and believe that technological development is double-edged.  To conclude, and as far as I am concerned, technological advances are a major step in the development of nations and societies and it is imperative to make good use of those developments and make it accessible to all individuals in the world.

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